Saturday, May 16, 2020

Argumentative Essay Drinking Water Shortage - 1888 Words

Matthew D.Nicholas Professor Kimberly Sullivan English 101 20 August 2014 Argumentative Water Essay There is a water crisis which faces many parts of the world and it is a threat to survival of human beings since humans are primarily dependent on water. Shortage in drinking water is beginning to show its effects in first world countries, but is a current major problem facing lesser developed countries which have not taken drastic steps to harvest water and purify it to make it safe for human consumption. In developed countries the population growth has strained available water resources and stretched the ability of governments and private firms to provide safe drinking water to the vast majority of the population. Seventy one percent of†¦show more content†¦Many populations, the majority being in Africa, face many water-borne diseases mainly due to pollution of water resources. The option then becomes to either drink polluted water or not have anything at all. Continual Human development such as population growth and industrial growth have further drained water resources, causing a shortage of drinking water. As a result, there are many conflicts over ownership of water resources and these lead to injuries or fatalities.(2) As mentioned before, this shows why it is so important to find a solution to the issue of water shortage. In the United States, the available water resources is also under assault. Half of water collected and stored by existing infrastructure is usually used in the production of electricity. This forces the population to use and divide what little there is left. This has always been a â€Å"good enough† approach until now, when water prices and population is on the rise.(3) There are already calls for charging water resources in order to increase efficiency of use.(3) Water protection is already being carried out and has been for years, but there is still water pollution occurring within the United States. After the Civil war, America strived to provide its population with clean waterShow MoreRelatedFor Against by L.G. Alexander31987 Words   |  128 Pages By the same author SIXTY STEPS TO PRECIS POETRY AND PROSE APPRECIATION ESSAY AND LEITER ·WRITING A FIRST BOOK IN COMPREHENSION PRECIS AND COMPOSITION ras CARTERS OF GREENWOOD (Cineloops) DETECTIVES FROM SCOTLAND YARD (Longman Structural Readers, Stage 1) CAR THIEVES [Longman Structural Readers, Stage 1) WORTH A FORTUNE [Longman Structural Readers, Stage 2) APRIL FOOLS DAY [Longman Structural Readers, Stage 2) PROFESSOR BOFFIN S UMBRELLA (Longman Structural Readers, Stage 2) OPERATION MASfERMINDRead MoreIgbo Dictionary129408 Words   |  518 Pagesthe MSS on the shore near Towyn, Wales, where it had been washed up. He found a letter inside with an address, to which he sent the MSS, and in this way they came into the hands of Mrs Dennis. The edge of the paper had been worn by the action of the water, but most of the writing was legible, and the rest which was a little difficult to decipher was copied out by Miss Beswick, one of our C.M.S. missionaries. This dictionary gives forms in the Onitsha, Bonny, Arochukwu, and Ungwana dialects, moreRead MoreProject Managment Case Studies214937 Words   |  860 Pagesperformance was rated high in order to maintain an individual within the project scheme. According to some project managers, this aspect was a reality that must be faced, due to the shortage of abundant talent. 54 ACORN INDUSTRIES CURRENT STATUS In early 1998, Acorn began to realize that a production shortage relative to government contracts would possibly occur in late 2001 or early 2003. Acorn initiated a three-pronged attack to fill an apparent void: 1. Do what you do best. 2. Look forRead MoreLibrary Management204752 Words   |  820 Pagesdescribe this turbulent future. He states that managers need to be prepared to confront a period of chaotic change, or what he calls permanent â€Å"white water.† In his view, management of organizations used to be like a pleasant boat ride down a calm, quiet river, but the future will be different. It will be full of rapids, whirlpools, eddies, and endless white water.14 Libraries need to have experienced managers to take the helm as libraries continue their exhilarating journey into the future. Today’s managersRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesSociety for Hu man Resource Management, 2006). W. H. Macey and B. Schneider, â€Å"The Meaning of Employee Engagement,† Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1 (2008), pp. 3–30; A. Saks, â€Å"The Meaning and Bleeding of Employee Engagement: How Muddy Is The Water?† Industrial and Organizational Psychology 1 (2008), pp. 40–43. L. Rhoades and R. Eisenberger, â€Å"Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of the Literature,† Journal of Applied Psychology 87, no. 4 (2002), pp. 698–714; and R. L. Payne and D. Morrison

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